9. Death
9.1 At some point in your career, you will die. We haven't heard of
anyone who hasn't yet died. In fact, it's our motto - in Necromium, death
is a way of life. Don't worry though, death is never permanent. If you
are below level 10, you will just respawn.
9.2 If you are level 10 or above and yourself dead for some reason, let
the death sequence complete, after which you will find that you are a
"mutilated carcass". This is an interesting condition, because as a
carcass you can pass through doors and you will never be attacked by any
mobs, nor can you be attacked by players. It's a perfect opportunity to
explore difficult zones, Chaotic Player Killing areas, or just wandering
around through locked doors. You also get two commands - "recall", which
brings you back to the designated recall position in your continent,
regardless of your level, and "teleport" which teleports you around your
current continent. However, while you can explore, you can't do very much
else in this condition.
9.3 You can be resurrected in a few ways:-
   (a) If you wait long enough, you will be automatically resurrected.
The exact length of time for which you will remain a carcass depends on how
many player kills you have.
   (b) You can find a special mobile in your continent (a priest mobile)
at which you can type "life". The priest will tell you where to find your
soul box. You will then need to explore the continent until you find your
soul box, get it, and bring it back to the priest. Typing "life" again
will resurrect you. This process is very well explained in the newbie
   (c) Finally, a friendly cleric avatar may cast a special "revive"
spell on your soul box. However, this is extremely rare as you will need
the cleric to take pity on you, find your soul box, and cast the spell.
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