10. Some closing thoughts
10.1 There's two things that we would like to emphasise to new players. We
may be a bit more serious in this part than in any other place in the game,
and this is because we really do think these points are important.
10.2 First, do familiarise yourself with our rules, and play within them.
Don't get the wrong idea about this - you can still be an evil tyrant, you
just need to do it within the rules set by the game. Be evil. Fine. But
don't hack. Don't exploit coding flaws in the game. Don't spam a player
to get an advantage in combat. Etc etc. If you play fair, you will be
seen as a valued member of the community and your game experience will be
all the better for it.
10.3 Secondly, do maintain a firm grip on your real life. This is not
preaching - it's a critical point that must be understood. Bad things may
happen - you could get befriended and betrayed, killed and looted, and so
on. Alternatively, you could just get so engrossed in the MUD that you
spend an inordinate amount of time playing. Always, always remember, that
at any time, you can switch your computer off and take a nice break.
10.4 With this in mind, let us welcome you to our MUD - many of our players
have been here for years, and we are sure you will enjoy your time with us!
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