1. About Necromium
1.1 Necromium is a fantasy MUD with a medieval technological context.
There are 5 major continents to explore, as well as a host of offshore
locations. Necromium has no "stock" zones; all zones are original. The
range of zones is enormous - at lower levels, you encounter rats, rabbits
and turtles, but at higher levels you and your friends will be involved in
cross-continental story lines, planar battles and other complex quests.
Also, some zones and mobiles on Necromium (typically higher level mobiles)
have a form of intelligence and can react to their specific situation,
which makes them more interesting and challenging.
1.2 Necromium also has a sea navigation system, with over a million rooms
to explore. This system links together the lands of Necromium, and
navigational expertise plays a large role in finding and accessing certain
zones. Naval combat is also possible, if piracy is your cup of tea.
1.3 One of the best, newbie-friendly things on the MUD is our unique
overhead mapping system. Your character is at the centre of a 5x5 map
depicting the surrounding environment. You can thus see the geography
around you at all times.
1.4 We do not enforce any specific role playing requirements. However, we
do not also prohibit role playing. In fact, we have a minority of players
who enjoy a role playing experience, and these people are free to pursue
their interests in Necromium.
1.5 Necromium allows limited player killing, in certain designated zones,
or otherwise as part of diplomatic hostilities. "Death" is never permanent
(more on this later). However, player kiling deaths in zones designated as
"Chaotic Player Killing" or "CPK" zones attract experience loss and allow
looting by players. Otherwise, player killing is not permitted - the game
code does not allow it. See paragraph 8.5 below for more information on
player killing in Necromium.
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