The New Players FAQ 
1. About MUDding and Necromium
  Q1.1 What is a MUD?
  Q1.2 What's the big deal about MUDding?
  Q1.3 What is Necromium MUD?
  Q1.4 How do I connect to Necromium?
  Q1.5 Are there any rules I should read to start off with?
Q1.1 What is a MUD?
"MUD" is an acronym for "Multi-User Dungeon", or "Multi-User Dimension", or
"Multi-User Domain". The exact terminology doesn't really matter. As the
acronym implies, however, a MUD is an environment that is accessible to
many persons at the same time. The environment itself is hosted on, and
managed by, a computer, and accessible through your own computer. The
output from a MUD is usually text-based.
Q1.2 What's the big deal about MUDding?
Well, imagine a world. A vast, fictional world, with multiple lands, each
filled with dreams and adventures. Filled with challenges, experiences,
treasure and real live people. People who become your most feared
opponents. People who become your best friends. Imagine making your mark
on this world. It's loads of fun.
Q1.3 What is Necromium MUD?
Necromium is a fantasy MUD with a medieval technological context. You will
have 5 major continents to explore, as well as a host of offshore
locations. Necromium has zones which run the whole gamut of the power
curve - when you start out you will be encountering rabbits and turtles in
a sunny forest, but at the peak of your powers you and your friends will
interact with the gods of Norse mythology and be involved in
inter-continental wars against powerful demons invading the bastion of the
most learned magic-users in the world. Come and try us - we're sure you'll
like it!
Q1.4 How do I connect to Necromium?
Use your favourite client program to connect to necromium.com, port 4000.
Q1.5 Are there any rules I should read to start off with?
It's always good to familiarise yourself with our rules. Type POLICY
and/or HELP RULES - this gives you a good starting point.
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