41 d 11 h 24 m
3 players


PK Quests
"The purpose of this quest is flat out destruction. Once enrolled, it is
kill or be killed. You score points for killing players, more points
for killing players higher level than you, less for lower. You lose
some of your points for every death you sustain. Every time you enroll
in the quest, your stats will be replenished and you will have the
opportunity to pick up valuable detection potions. Once you leave the
'safety' room, you will not be able to get back, and the only way out
is death or surviving everyones kills.
There will be no summoning, recalling, teleporting, or any other means
of transportation out of the quest zone while you are still enrolled
in the quest. If you need to leave the quest, contact the questmaster.
To enroll in the quest, simply type QENROLL. For information on the
current scores of the quest, along with other info, type QINFO.
You receive 1 point for killing a player that is 5 levels or lower
than you. 2 points are given to you if you kill a player that is
within 5 levels either direction of you, and you receive 3 points for
killing a player above 5 levels than you. You are deducted 1 point
for being killed.
All decisions about the distribution of quest items or ethics during
the quest are made by the questmaster and are FINAL.

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